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Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Interracial marriages put national harmony at risk

Interesting headlines there isn´t it? 

This was what I saw on the news portal of the Malaysia´s Malay Mail Online. 

Sometimes, reading such articles, makes me wonder.... have all the "high ranking" people or the "people in the government" there lost their marbles or something? Or is it that the country have too much free moments that they are digging such matters up to make it into a humongous racial issue to divide up the citizens? If they are really so free... why don´t they settle issues like the crime rates in Malaysia? Or what really happened to that missing airlines MH 370? Or even try to make the citizens in Malaysia feel more comfortable, safe and happy living there - instead of hiking up all those costs of living?

But nooooooo..... all they ever really love doing is dragging up racial issues one after another in the press. In fact, in this article, that wonderful person who says that Interracial marriages are a risk is quoting 2 marriages, which are Non Muslims. So what if in the midst of the marriage one of the partner had a "calling" to convert to Muslim? The marriage was sanctified by the "Non Muslims" laws, so treat it that way. Why not just point blank say that you guys don´t have anything better to do and decide to drag such issues into a racial issue? The lawyers are correct by saying that the marriages are done and sealed by 2 non Muslims, so let the civil court decide on the matter. Or is it that they just want and love wrapping everything up in their own wings to look important, and when things go astray - start blaming on the first thing and person they can think of?

Happy reading and pondering

Original article can be found at : Interracial Marriages Put National Harmony At Risk

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