So... today is the 2nd last day of the month...... gonna kiss the month of May goodbye and welcome in the month of June!
To mark it, it has been and is going to be 1 year and 4 months since we first touched down and made Germany our new home.... so much has happened, so much has changed since we first came down. Amelia has celebrated 2 birthdays now in our new found home here. I myself have also celebrated 2 birthdays here. Amelia´s progress here, both emotionally, physically and education wise has grown and improved so much. She has gone, for her first year, to Kindergarten (aka Kita - in German) and she will be attending Vorschule (preschool) in summer this year. *proud mummy*
Her German has improved, in fact her German is extremely more fluent compared to her mummy - probably also because she is exposed to it daily, whereas for me I only use it when I go shopping and those are the extremely simple ones. The things she learns in Kindergarden daily is amazing and astounding! At her level, in Malaysia, we barely even learn half of what she learns at kindergarten. So I am extremely happy that she is coping and improving very well.... although with it comes the naughtiness, the stubbornness etc (like every normal kid have.... that drives the mummy and papa crazy and screaming xD). Knowing and seeing that she will be going up and attending Vorschule (in Malaysia known as Pre School) in summer makes me even prouder.
Celebrated my 30th birthday, kinda like..... 2 weeks back now. A small celebration between my own family... Amelia drew many wonderful drawing for me for my birthday, hubby took us out for a buffet lunch + dinner at our favourite Chinese cuisine - Ming Dynasty, gotten few surprises (the 1st one was the new iPad, which came 1 month before my birthday, a great Diablo III T-shirt, Diablo III back cover for my iPhone and new clothes ^^) also from hubby.... but the most important thing is having my beautiful daughter and remarkable husband celebrating it together with me. He really made it a very special event!
Yesterday, 29th May 2012, we went for a full body checkup at the doctor for Amelia. One of the requirements needed to enter Preschool and elementary school. The doctor had all checks from eyes, to knowledge to IQ everything. I was extremely proud when the doctor told us that she is improving very well for her age, far better than her own peers.... *feeling extremely proud* Kinda like the way they do things down here.... a health checkup and recommendation is required from the doctors to enter Kindergarten and all the following years of school! At least the doctor can show and prove that your child is capable of entering school and in good health!
My course is ending once again, the final course. Exams are on the 30th of May 2012 - my History & Politics paper! After that..... well, until further notice I am on holidays..... My 1st course exam results are only coming out around 12th of June...... and this coming exam on the 30th of May 2012.... well they need approximately 4 to 6 weeks before you can get back the results...
May has indeed been a wonderful month! Now looking onward to the month of June together with my small family :)
May 2012 Album
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Friday, 25 May 2012
I wonder why Malaysian Police can´t "function" properly.....
I found this seriously interesting.... well it ain´t an article, sort of... I found it on Marina Mahathir´s facebook - something that she shared in her facebook.
And.... after watching the video - which surprisingly you don´t find it in CNN or such, I was wondering.... how is it that the German police can behave so civilized and well mannered and even to the extend of walking together with the protestors on the streets of Frankfurt, but yet the Malaysian Police aren´t capable of doing anything except firing their damn tear gas and water cannons at the public and then have the cheek to say that the protestors started it, and later on continue suing everyone within suing range?!
Are you, Malaysian government, trying to tell everyone, that the Malaysian authorities and police are hooligans and the rest of the world are human? Or..... you trying to tell everyone that the Malaysian government are the victims and the world is judging you harshly?
Some things to ponder about.....
Make sure, if you are a Malaysian reader, to make your vote count in the next General Election of your country. Unless you want to be "slaves" under the current government for another 5 years........

And.... after watching the video - which surprisingly you don´t find it in CNN or such, I was wondering.... how is it that the German police can behave so civilized and well mannered and even to the extend of walking together with the protestors on the streets of Frankfurt, but yet the Malaysian Police aren´t capable of doing anything except firing their damn tear gas and water cannons at the public and then have the cheek to say that the protestors started it, and later on continue suing everyone within suing range?!
Are you, Malaysian government, trying to tell everyone, that the Malaysian authorities and police are hooligans and the rest of the world are human? Or..... you trying to tell everyone that the Malaysian government are the victims and the world is judging you harshly?
Some things to ponder about.....
Make sure, if you are a Malaysian reader, to make your vote count in the next General Election of your country. Unless you want to be "slaves" under the current government for another 5 years........

You wont see this on CNN!
BREAKING NEWS: From Occupy Frankfurt. May 19, 2012.
The German police took off their helmets and marched with the protest clearing the way for them.
Thought you may like to have this image as well...
The police coming over to serve and protect the people... Blockupy Frankfurt. Police are escorting, not participating. Reports of an estimated 20,000+ protesters. Nice to see their faces.... and their humanity coming through...
WATCH THIS VIDEO: #blockupy. Frankfurt
German police officers escort an anti-capitalism protest march with some 20,000 people in Frankfurt, Germany, Saturday, May 19, 2012. Protesters peacefully filled the city center of continental Europe's biggest financial hub in their protest against the dominance of banks and what they perceive to be untamed capitalism, Frankfurt police spokesman Ruediger Regis said. The protest group calling itself Blockupy has called for blocking the access to the European Central Bank, which is located in Frankfurt's business district. (AP Photo/Michael Probst)
source: world/ 20000+people+march+at+a+frankfu rt+occupy+protest+german+polic e/6442644693/story.html
Photo/news source: world/article/ 364434--german-police-says-some -10-000-are-marching-at-a-fran kfurt-occupy-protest-rally
Associated Press Photo verified: world/ 20000+people+march+at+a+frankfu rt+occupy+protest+german+polic e/6442644693/story.html
(Photographer AP Photo/Michael Probst)
Wall Street journal Verified SB10001424052702303360504577414 370915099252.html
Washington Post verified world/europe/ german-police-says-some-10000-a re-marching-at-a-frankfurt-occ upy-protest-rally/2012/05/19/ gIQA3uTfaU_story.html
BREAKING NEWS: From Occupy Frankfurt. May 19, 2012.
The German police took off their helmets and marched with the protest clearing the way for them.
Thought you may like to have this image as well...
The police coming over to serve and protect the people... Blockupy Frankfurt. Police are escorting, not participating. Reports of an estimated 20,000+ protesters. Nice to see their faces.... and their humanity coming through...
WATCH THIS VIDEO: #blockupy. Frankfurt
German police officers escort an anti-capitalism protest march with some 20,000 people in Frankfurt, Germany, Saturday, May 19, 2012. Protesters peacefully filled the city center of continental Europe's biggest financial hub in their protest against the dominance of banks and what they perceive to be untamed capitalism, Frankfurt police spokesman Ruediger Regis said. The protest group calling itself Blockupy has called for blocking the access to the European Central Bank, which is located in Frankfurt's business district. (AP Photo/Michael Probst)
Photo/news source:
Associated Press Photo verified:
(Photographer AP Photo/Michael Probst)
Wall Street journal Verified
Washington Post verified
Can you feel it folks? It has begun. The Energies are shifting . . .
Friday, 18 May 2012
Just one day away from my birthday, one more day before I turn the big 3-0. Yeap, you got it right, I am 30 this year (so what? What´s so shameful of turning old? Everyone goes there one day... I ain´t those "vain" people who hides the reality of their age to everyone).
I simply couldn´t imagine how much time has passed all these years.... just seems like yesterday i was in primary school and then secondary school....... As I sit here, in the wee hours of the morning - while my husband is snuggled nicely in bed and my daughter is snoring slightly in the opposite bedroom from our room, I somehow can´t help but reflect in all my past 30 years, the good and the bad, the sorrows and the joy. I guess I will make a long entry this time, a personal long entry, to record down bits and tads of my 30 years of life......... Doubt there is much I remember..... Or much that I am willing to dig up without being emotional and sad..... but then again, how often you turn 30? Or... more to say, has anyone ever taken the time to sit back, and reflect all their entire lives?
Reminiscing the good old times.......
I remember those days, when my family still live in that "bungalow" in Section 15, Subang Jaya. I remember how my father works shift hours and mum stays home taking care of me. I remember how both she and I always play cooking together, or how my parents have this 2 huge aquariums of fishes and they will take the time to wash the aquariums every week or is it once in two weeks? I also remember how my dad and mum fought, but yet they also have the time to play together with each other and me (that was before my sister arrived). I remember kindergarten so clearly, I attended Assunta Kindergarten - situated in Petaling Jaya. I remember that one particular boy I am close to and how his parents somehow have this thing about him being in other people´s house, but on one fine day, when the school bus sent us home there wasn´t anyone in his home. Remember how scared my friend was even to enter my home at that time..... he rather wait outside by the roadside for his parents to come home!
Fastforwarding a few years...... I switched Primary School (aka Elementary school) twice. I remember a really nice chap when I was in Standard 1, Low Chee Ming (If I spelt his name correctly). I remember he used to come to school with his grandfather, and also he was the first boy to teach me Taekwondo during our recess breaks - after seeing me getting bullied by some of the boys in school. He said, I teach you some moves to make sure they don´t always pick on you. *Thank you, it really helped alot all the way to High school ;)*
I remember, in my 2nd year of Elementary school - in a new school (Due to moving houses), a male classmate of mine passed away from cancer. We weren´t best of friends, but he was one of my friends that I hang out with during my recess breaks for that year. That was my first exposure to death. A very sad, but not yet so painful, experience for an 8 year old back then.
My grandmother, Mother´s mum, passed away when I was 11. Leaving a big gap within not only myself but also my mum. I was one of those rare kids that only have 1 grandmother - on mum´s side, and a grandpa - on dad´s side. My sister and I were much more closer to Grandma compared to Grandpa, maybe also because of the language barrier - grandpa speaks hokkien while both me and my sis the best is mandarin xD - hence the death of Grandma was quite hard on both of us. This one, held a more personal touch as we were part of the funeral. Was actually my first time being close to a dead body, and feeling all the goose bumps, although I guess I shouldn´t be feeling that way... but heck... it is still scary no matter how much I love grandma. My remaining grandparent - Grandpa - passed away when I was in my college years.
With it, I am grandparent"less"........ feels strange in a way.
High school was memorable. That was where I learnt to speak in Cantonese. Had many "petbrothers" and also "petsisters" during my 5 years of high school. Started my first date and boyfriend at 14 - which sadly lasted a year, and then the long relationship of 2 years - my last two years of high school - dating the popular jock in school, which ended after we left. He said " wasn´t cool to date your high school sweetheart in college" *damn* that was a bigh heart breaker.
College year was a breeze. Studying computer and databasing was indeed difficult. The world seems to be at your feet, and feeling extremely great studying and the ironic part is worrying what to wear every morning to class (hey... I am still female ;)). Surprisingly, I didnt go clubbing or even to disco. Although I did try smoking, which only lasted for bout 2 months then I gave up completely. Didn´t enjoy it much, also it drains my allowances faster *lolx* But then, I became a social smoker, only smoking when friends ask me to. Ain´t proud of it, but somehow, in my working life later was kinda helpful cos I can entertain my clients :P I did 2 different courses, but not in the same year. I have my Advance Diploma in Computering, and then a year later continued on with Advance Diploma in Public Relations - at another completely new college.
With this, I learnt and met many different people. Other than that, I also have been working for about 7 to 8 years - starting work at the age of 17. Somehow, when you are student, you are dying to go out to work..... but for me, somehow in a way......... I prefer studying to working. True, being a student, and having the exam stress is indeed stressful, but working... and facing the two faces of the entire world is even worse.... But I survived it. I have worked in many environments - from sales and marketing to teaching to administration work. I learnt many valuable lessons and ways of life from many precious people in the working world, especially the few kind bosses I have. =) *Thank you to those of you*
I started dating my ex husband after high school for 12 years, got married and lasted 3 years before I filed for a divorce. It would be difficult to pen down the memories of this particular moment.... not in words....... but even till today, after remarrying and living a "moved on" life, those memories burn within me. Some say, these memories are here to stay forever......... From this undying love of mine towards my ex husband, we have a beautiful daughter, who is already 5 years old, and like me - we both have moved on completely..... 10,000 km away from our original birth place.
There is no regret in moving on. I have many people who ask me, or worse, blame my current husband for the move away. There are somethings you just don´t understand as a spectator.... some things, although you think you can see and understand very well, you will never know. As two people in a relationship, no matter what they tell you as their friend, what happens behind close doors remains closed.
I admit, with the breakup of our 12 years together, I lost many friends. But yet, with it, I also know, who are those friends that really are for real. Some, who stay by my side.... are merely some pawns of spies... that just gossips about what me and my daughter are encountering back to him (which I am rather irritated with but *shrugs* who cares), but there are some.... who really are true friends that helped us out throughout the few years when my 1st marriage started breaking down. My current husband was one of the many...... For that I am thankful... :)
Looking back at a glance, motherhood was the most challenging part for me compared to being a student, a girlfriend who supports - financially emotionally and all, to a wife. But I have no regrets.
In another 24 hours, I will be turning 30.
Every heartache, every joy, every tear that I went thru all my 30 years...... I have learnt so much from them... and I don´t regret any part of it. I have loved, I have lost and have loved once again. Life is indeed a learning curve, a learning process... never once stop learning. ^^
Happy Birthday to myself... (early wishes)
I simply couldn´t imagine how much time has passed all these years.... just seems like yesterday i was in primary school and then secondary school....... As I sit here, in the wee hours of the morning - while my husband is snuggled nicely in bed and my daughter is snoring slightly in the opposite bedroom from our room, I somehow can´t help but reflect in all my past 30 years, the good and the bad, the sorrows and the joy. I guess I will make a long entry this time, a personal long entry, to record down bits and tads of my 30 years of life......... Doubt there is much I remember..... Or much that I am willing to dig up without being emotional and sad..... but then again, how often you turn 30? Or... more to say, has anyone ever taken the time to sit back, and reflect all their entire lives?
Reminiscing the good old times.......
I remember those days, when my family still live in that "bungalow" in Section 15, Subang Jaya. I remember how my father works shift hours and mum stays home taking care of me. I remember how both she and I always play cooking together, or how my parents have this 2 huge aquariums of fishes and they will take the time to wash the aquariums every week or is it once in two weeks? I also remember how my dad and mum fought, but yet they also have the time to play together with each other and me (that was before my sister arrived). I remember kindergarten so clearly, I attended Assunta Kindergarten - situated in Petaling Jaya. I remember that one particular boy I am close to and how his parents somehow have this thing about him being in other people´s house, but on one fine day, when the school bus sent us home there wasn´t anyone in his home. Remember how scared my friend was even to enter my home at that time..... he rather wait outside by the roadside for his parents to come home!
Fastforwarding a few years...... I switched Primary School (aka Elementary school) twice. I remember a really nice chap when I was in Standard 1, Low Chee Ming (If I spelt his name correctly). I remember he used to come to school with his grandfather, and also he was the first boy to teach me Taekwondo during our recess breaks - after seeing me getting bullied by some of the boys in school. He said, I teach you some moves to make sure they don´t always pick on you. *Thank you, it really helped alot all the way to High school ;)*
I remember, in my 2nd year of Elementary school - in a new school (Due to moving houses), a male classmate of mine passed away from cancer. We weren´t best of friends, but he was one of my friends that I hang out with during my recess breaks for that year. That was my first exposure to death. A very sad, but not yet so painful, experience for an 8 year old back then.
My grandmother, Mother´s mum, passed away when I was 11. Leaving a big gap within not only myself but also my mum. I was one of those rare kids that only have 1 grandmother - on mum´s side, and a grandpa - on dad´s side. My sister and I were much more closer to Grandma compared to Grandpa, maybe also because of the language barrier - grandpa speaks hokkien while both me and my sis the best is mandarin xD - hence the death of Grandma was quite hard on both of us. This one, held a more personal touch as we were part of the funeral. Was actually my first time being close to a dead body, and feeling all the goose bumps, although I guess I shouldn´t be feeling that way... but heck... it is still scary no matter how much I love grandma. My remaining grandparent - Grandpa - passed away when I was in my college years.
With it, I am grandparent"less"........ feels strange in a way.
High school was memorable. That was where I learnt to speak in Cantonese. Had many "petbrothers" and also "petsisters" during my 5 years of high school. Started my first date and boyfriend at 14 - which sadly lasted a year, and then the long relationship of 2 years - my last two years of high school - dating the popular jock in school, which ended after we left. He said " wasn´t cool to date your high school sweetheart in college" *damn* that was a bigh heart breaker.
College year was a breeze. Studying computer and databasing was indeed difficult. The world seems to be at your feet, and feeling extremely great studying and the ironic part is worrying what to wear every morning to class (hey... I am still female ;)). Surprisingly, I didnt go clubbing or even to disco. Although I did try smoking, which only lasted for bout 2 months then I gave up completely. Didn´t enjoy it much, also it drains my allowances faster *lolx* But then, I became a social smoker, only smoking when friends ask me to. Ain´t proud of it, but somehow, in my working life later was kinda helpful cos I can entertain my clients :P I did 2 different courses, but not in the same year. I have my Advance Diploma in Computering, and then a year later continued on with Advance Diploma in Public Relations - at another completely new college.
With this, I learnt and met many different people. Other than that, I also have been working for about 7 to 8 years - starting work at the age of 17. Somehow, when you are student, you are dying to go out to work..... but for me, somehow in a way......... I prefer studying to working. True, being a student, and having the exam stress is indeed stressful, but working... and facing the two faces of the entire world is even worse.... But I survived it. I have worked in many environments - from sales and marketing to teaching to administration work. I learnt many valuable lessons and ways of life from many precious people in the working world, especially the few kind bosses I have. =) *Thank you to those of you*
I started dating my ex husband after high school for 12 years, got married and lasted 3 years before I filed for a divorce. It would be difficult to pen down the memories of this particular moment.... not in words....... but even till today, after remarrying and living a "moved on" life, those memories burn within me. Some say, these memories are here to stay forever......... From this undying love of mine towards my ex husband, we have a beautiful daughter, who is already 5 years old, and like me - we both have moved on completely..... 10,000 km away from our original birth place.
There is no regret in moving on. I have many people who ask me, or worse, blame my current husband for the move away. There are somethings you just don´t understand as a spectator.... some things, although you think you can see and understand very well, you will never know. As two people in a relationship, no matter what they tell you as their friend, what happens behind close doors remains closed.
I admit, with the breakup of our 12 years together, I lost many friends. But yet, with it, I also know, who are those friends that really are for real. Some, who stay by my side.... are merely some pawns of spies... that just gossips about what me and my daughter are encountering back to him (which I am rather irritated with but *shrugs* who cares), but there are some.... who really are true friends that helped us out throughout the few years when my 1st marriage started breaking down. My current husband was one of the many...... For that I am thankful... :)
Looking back at a glance, motherhood was the most challenging part for me compared to being a student, a girlfriend who supports - financially emotionally and all, to a wife. But I have no regrets.
In another 24 hours, I will be turning 30.
Every heartache, every joy, every tear that I went thru all my 30 years...... I have learnt so much from them... and I don´t regret any part of it. I have loved, I have lost and have loved once again. Life is indeed a learning curve, a learning process... never once stop learning. ^^
Happy Birthday to myself... (early wishes)
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Army veterans flex their arses at Ambiga's house
Army veterans flex their arses at Ambiga's house
(Click to Watch Video)
**YouTube seems to be having some problems linking the video..... so you have to click the link to watch the video. The video, when interviewing the "Army Veterans" are in Malay while the interview with Ambiga is in English **
Omg, I am seriously so ashamed of these people.... and worse, they say they are Malaysia´s Army Veterans...
Can someone please enlighten me as to what does the government of Malaysia is trying to do with people like these? Or are these people merely trying to "jatuh maruah" negara even more? They say Ambiga is bad, Ambiga shames the country.... but what they are doing isn´t all that far off!
Can someone please knock some senses in to these old farts of the country..... Cakap besar kamu mempertahankan negara, lagi lagi kata kepada Pn Ambiga - memberi amaran.... adui.... bahasa kamu begitu sedih? Memberi Amaran?! Do you even know what Member Amaran means? You´re warning her? She is right you know... you are INTIMIDATING her... it´s not friendly anymore...... can see how bias the country is, the police not doing anything.... I wonder, if something like this is done to a Minister or Menteri Besar´s house, I wonder then.... how will the cops react ? Also being so casual standing under the tree for some shade off the nice hot sunny sunshine in KL?!
Monday, 14 May 2012
If I'm completely honest with myself, I really miss my mum and dad. I miss everything about them, even though I fight with them a lot and non stop, I truly love them. Even when I don't show it most of the time. I really do.
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Happy Mother´s Day
Happy Mothers Day to all my readers who are mothers out there!
I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating it with your family and love ones =)
For myself, this is my 5th year being a mom myself. And I have to say one thing..... I have no regrets 5 years ago fighting to keep my daughter alive.
However........... a small tribute :
For the 2 most important women in my life:
My mother, Melinda Chiew.
It was 30 years ago, since you first brought me into this world. From that moment on, right up till this very day, thank you for all the remarkable time spent with me - playing together with me, reading to me, taking me out to the parks every evening, guiding me, teaching me, nagging me, scolding me non stop, and most importantly........... for all the endless support, care, understanding and guidance you have given me all my 30 years right up till I became a mother myself. Thank you for your non stop teachings even when I am now residing 10,000km away from you. Thank you for being the best mum any child can ever ask for! I miss you so much, even from this 10,000km away from you. On this special day.... I want to wish you a very wonderful and happy Mother´s day. I hope you have a great time celebrating with sis....
My "ex" Mother in Law, Elaine P.
Although we only had these "official" 3 years (and also including all the "unofficial" years before my marriage) as Mum and daughter in law, I am so proud to call you my mother in law! Thank you for all those wonderful time we spent together hanging out makan makan, shopping, going pasar malam after work, and even watching movies. Thank you for all your help and your guidance all these years, even during my most difficult times. Thank you for the understanding and love you showered onto me even long before I got married. You´re the best mum in law any lady can ever ask for, and I am proud to call you mum in law..... and, after all the things I have gone thru, even though I am no longer officially your daughter in law, You will always remain in my heart as my mother in law and nothing else! Happy mothers Day on this very special day.
I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating it with your family and love ones =)
For myself, this is my 5th year being a mom myself. And I have to say one thing..... I have no regrets 5 years ago fighting to keep my daughter alive.
However........... a small tribute :
For the 2 most important women in my life:
My mother, Melinda Chiew.
It was 30 years ago, since you first brought me into this world. From that moment on, right up till this very day, thank you for all the remarkable time spent with me - playing together with me, reading to me, taking me out to the parks every evening, guiding me, teaching me, nagging me, scolding me non stop, and most importantly........... for all the endless support, care, understanding and guidance you have given me all my 30 years right up till I became a mother myself. Thank you for your non stop teachings even when I am now residing 10,000km away from you. Thank you for being the best mum any child can ever ask for! I miss you so much, even from this 10,000km away from you. On this special day.... I want to wish you a very wonderful and happy Mother´s day. I hope you have a great time celebrating with sis....
My "ex" Mother in Law, Elaine P.
Although we only had these "official" 3 years (and also including all the "unofficial" years before my marriage) as Mum and daughter in law, I am so proud to call you my mother in law! Thank you for all those wonderful time we spent together hanging out makan makan, shopping, going pasar malam after work, and even watching movies. Thank you for all your help and your guidance all these years, even during my most difficult times. Thank you for the understanding and love you showered onto me even long before I got married. You´re the best mum in law any lady can ever ask for, and I am proud to call you mum in law..... and, after all the things I have gone thru, even though I am no longer officially your daughter in law, You will always remain in my heart as my mother in law and nothing else! Happy mothers Day on this very special day.
Friday, 11 May 2012
UN does not approve tear gas as a riot control agent
So, another big lie from the police force and the authorities once again to the citizens of Malaysia........
First, there was the article from The Star newspaper on the 7th of May 2012, entitled :
First, there was the article from The Star newspaper on the 7th of May 2012, entitled :
that told the world and quenching and satisfying their fear that the tear gas used in the rally was used worldwide in many countries also and it was also United Nations approved......
But... what you know......
Today, 10th May 2012, there came another article...... that actually says that UN never approved such stuff. Found on the internet while surfing, this article entitled UN does not approve tear gas as a riot control agent (yea its a link you can click to read the article) caught my eye.... so..... in other words, the Malaysian government and police screwed up again? They are telling more and more lies to their own citizens of the country, in order to cover up their asses? Don´t they find it embarassing to say such things without checking out their facts? Or are they actually portraying to the international world and community that Malaysians are that stupid (pardon me, but that´s how you are actually showing yourselves to the world at the moment.... first the flop in the Bersih rally, blaming every citizen but not yourselves, then the "censored" version of BBC news - embarassing to call yourselves media, and then the "modified" speech of Senator Xenophon´s speech and now this...)?
By the way, as we are on the tear gas topic. I have seen circulations of the little canister used for the tear gas. CS Gas.
The police was quoted saying that this item, this chemical thing, is safe. Do you really know? According to Wikipedia : CS Gas (Yet another reference link to check out), too much exposure of it, especially in close contacts is not good? or that it can also increase the chances of miscarriages within the women community? Hence...... in that tens of thousands that attended the rally, both young and old women and girls, and the amount of tear gas fired (which sadly, you also fired on "international" folks such as Senator Xenophon and his fellow members, or any other unreported tourist within that area that you may have shot on) to everyone, will you then be willing to take that risk of being pinned down when, who knows *touch wood* if one of those ladies and young girls there can´t conceive anymore?
Why can´t the government open their eyes and minds and not just look within their range of power and money and corruption?
On a different scale, read in one of the Australian dailies, a very interesting article entitled Najib´s Malaysia still stuck in the murk (please click to read the article) caught my eye... Ok, there are some that would say, Australia isn´t considered international due to they behave and think more asian than the rest of the western world, but still....... for even our neighbouring countries to be able to see and say that Malaysia is a beautiful place that is modern on the outside but not the inside, don´t you think that there is something really wrong here?
Besides all the critics and all the ongoings that has been going on all this time in Malaysia, the beloved PM still insists on having an election in June. Will the election really be a clean election? When international observers that came to observe, can even say that we aren´t "updated" when it comes to electorial ways?
I really hate one thing about the ongoings in Malaysia. Irregardless whether I have voted all these years or not, when I was 21 I already missed 1 or 2 elections as elections are only once every 5 years, I still have a say in this matter as I am a Malaysian.
I don´t agree with the bloody authorities or even Mahathir saying that the citizens are acting like the Middle East. Mahathir´s daughter is right. What is so wrong with a peaceful assembly? What is it about the country that cannot accept change? Even back then when I was a little girl, I always hear braggings about how Malaysia is "Beautiful Malaysia" and such...... is it really that beautiful when you have such "monsters" lurking in the dark? We are more united than what the government can see...... True there may be some weird ones (mind you... if you read online newspapers alot and read the comments posted, you know there still are many sick sick old fashion and not moving forward thinking people still around), but then again.... we are suppose to be moving forward as a country not backward.
You condemn the Western world so freely from seeing the news or even being in the western world partially.... but do you know, one thing, especially in the European continent, we really are given free speech, not just say and get shot at the back later....... Many people misunderstood many things about the Western world, just like how the Western world has misunderstood many things about us Asians on a personal life to life and friend to friend basis. I know this because, marrying a "White" man opened up my eyes to alot of things and vice versa for my husband (another topic for another time..... ^^). But... before you start condemning me for this article or the Western world I chose to side, I think you should sit back and evaluate what is happening in our own home land known as Malaysia.
I, and with many others, aren´t those lunatics that want to see international interference and Malaysia getting bombed to pieces. I want my country to survive, to live and to prosper. I may no long live in Malaysia or in future be a Malaysian after changing residency (if I got the chance), but I have family back home and people whom I love dearly with all my heart. I don´t want to see these important people being lost to me forever. Not everyone in Malaysia is that "rich" to fly out of the country to avoid such dangers.....
A plea to the government.... open your hearts, broaden your minds and listen to the cries of your country and its citizens and stop pointing blame on them. With 1 finger you point and blame others, there are 3 more fingers pointing back at yourselves.
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Final Exams
The week is almost coming to an end........ the date and time of my finals on the 12th of May draws closer and closer.....
For the first time, I am not looking forward to the weekend... lolx!
Normally, in any ordinary exams, I seem to don´t have such a fear in me compared to this German language exam that I am having this saturday. Compromising of Reading, hearing and writing plus speaking, I am abit worried about my exams. The goal here, is to score B1 for all individual exams, however, my weakest point.... is the speaking. Ahhhh yes, some of you would say, if speaking is a problem, why not speak it at home instead of English all the time?!
Well, I may have married a German, but I still have my daughter and myself who are still very much chinese.... =) I will not give up my entire culture, background and such just because I married a man of a different culture and world. Sure, my personal opinion is that it is crappy to have laws such as this in order to live here, but I respect their laws..... there is a chinese saying my mum used to teach me, "You respect the rules and regulations of the house you visit and stay in". Hence, as I am staying in Germany now, yes, I abide by their law that I need the bloody test done! But you can´t force me and my family to speak German in the family. What we do in our family is our business, not the world, not the government, not other family members. Null..... what we do in our family is only the business of my husband, myself and my daughter.
Oh I can speak German...... but ain´t those official German with all the official grammers intacted - der die das, and all those kind of things ^^ I can do my shopping, I can converse with the shopkeepers, the bus drivers and such, it´s good for me. ^^ at least I don´t have to fully depend on my husband after all ;)
But doesn´t stop me from being worried...... *lolx*
Failing my speaking test, would mean having to re- sit the entire bloody exam even if I scored B1 in all the rest :(
One part is saying, lets faster get over it.... the other part of me is saying "help! help!"
For the first time, I am not looking forward to the weekend... lolx!
Normally, in any ordinary exams, I seem to don´t have such a fear in me compared to this German language exam that I am having this saturday. Compromising of Reading, hearing and writing plus speaking, I am abit worried about my exams. The goal here, is to score B1 for all individual exams, however, my weakest point.... is the speaking. Ahhhh yes, some of you would say, if speaking is a problem, why not speak it at home instead of English all the time?!
Well, I may have married a German, but I still have my daughter and myself who are still very much chinese.... =) I will not give up my entire culture, background and such just because I married a man of a different culture and world. Sure, my personal opinion is that it is crappy to have laws such as this in order to live here, but I respect their laws..... there is a chinese saying my mum used to teach me, "You respect the rules and regulations of the house you visit and stay in". Hence, as I am staying in Germany now, yes, I abide by their law that I need the bloody test done! But you can´t force me and my family to speak German in the family. What we do in our family is our business, not the world, not the government, not other family members. Null..... what we do in our family is only the business of my husband, myself and my daughter.
Oh I can speak German...... but ain´t those official German with all the official grammers intacted - der die das, and all those kind of things ^^ I can do my shopping, I can converse with the shopkeepers, the bus drivers and such, it´s good for me. ^^ at least I don´t have to fully depend on my husband after all ;)
But doesn´t stop me from being worried...... *lolx*
Failing my speaking test, would mean having to re- sit the entire bloody exam even if I scored B1 in all the rest :(
One part is saying, lets faster get over it.... the other part of me is saying "help! help!"
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Speaking Out
I am kinda shock on how the Malaysian government keeps saying the citizens is out to overturn the government and all... Even more shock that the government cannot see beyond their own noses that they themselves are the on turning the country upside down. We are not like Egypt. We. the citizens are accused of being like the " Arab Spring" in the middle east by our own government, the autorhities that we chose for over 50 years now......
Isn´t it sad to see how power. fame and money gets into your head after so many years of ruling?
I found this article, from Marina Mahathir - daughter of the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr Mahathir. It is an interesting article for reading. Hopefully, the people ruling and governing Malaysia will come to their utmost senses.
You think everyone is that heartless and braineless like you guys? We, especially those abroad, wouldn´t want to see Malaysia getting "bombed" like how Mahathir and the other authorities nuts are saying to the public media..... you think we, those living abroad or migrated, are family"less"? you think we don´t have parents and family members or parents back home in Malaysia while we make a new home in a new land?
Think people think..... you are chosen as a government to rule and govern the country, not make funky assumptions just because you are losing the faith and trust of your countrymen. If that happened, losing the faith and trust of your countrymen, you should look at yourselves as a government and ask why instead of accusing us, the citizens, of overthrowing and acting like Middle East people.
Isn´t it sad to see how power. fame and money gets into your head after so many years of ruling?
I found this article, from Marina Mahathir - daughter of the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr Mahathir. It is an interesting article for reading. Hopefully, the people ruling and governing Malaysia will come to their utmost senses.
You think everyone is that heartless and braineless like you guys? We, especially those abroad, wouldn´t want to see Malaysia getting "bombed" like how Mahathir and the other authorities nuts are saying to the public media..... you think we, those living abroad or migrated, are family"less"? you think we don´t have parents and family members or parents back home in Malaysia while we make a new home in a new land?
Think people think..... you are chosen as a government to rule and govern the country, not make funky assumptions just because you are losing the faith and trust of your countrymen. If that happened, losing the faith and trust of your countrymen, you should look at yourselves as a government and ask why instead of accusing us, the citizens, of overthrowing and acting like Middle East people.
Marina Mahathir, daughter of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has launched a stinging attack on UMNO leaders
By MK - Tue May 08, 4:41 pm
- Email 1 mail
May 8: Marina Mahathir, daughter of
former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has launched a stinging
attack on UMNO leaders who accused participants of the Bersih 3.0 rally
last month of wanting to topple the government through street protests.
“What is this obsession with us not
being Egypt anyway? If we’re not, then why worry? Besides, who needs to
worry about the Arab Spring unless they identify themselves with Ben
Ali, Mubarak, Gadaffi and Assad?” she wrote in a blog posting, referring
to the Arab dictators.
UMNO leaders, including her father, had
earlier said that Bersih protesters were imitating the people’s uprising
in the Middle East, collectively known as the ‘Arab Spring’, and wanted
to replace the current government through street protests and foreign
Marina (pic), who also joined the Bersih
3.0 rally on April 28, defended the right to peaceful assembly and said
there was nothing wrong when the Egyptian people assembled at Tahrir
Square to press for democratic reforms.
“They want a greater say in the policies
of the government. They want an end to corruption. They want proper
elections with many candidates to choose from, not just those handpicked
by the rulers. They want an end to military interference in politics,”
she wrote.
“Aren’t these reasonable? But our
government will not acknowledge that these demands are quite normal.
Well maybe they’re not in an undemocratic country.”
Marina also took to task those who argued that Malaysians need not protest as their country was “not Egypt.
“If Malaysia is not Egypt and our
leaders are not Mubarak, then why are Malaysians who went to Bersih
treated like Egyptian protestors?” she asked.
“If anyone had gone down to Dataran on
the Sunday after Bersih 3.0, apart from the barbed wire, everything was
back to normal… Made our point, now let’s go eat. This is why we are not
Egypt. In this we agree with our government. We are NOT Egypt. But then
why respond in such Mubarak-like fashion?”
On the recent declaration by the
National Fatwa Council that demonstrating against the government was
forbidden in Islam, Marina reminded of a similar ruling made by Egypt’s
Al-Azhar University Fatwa Committee in the days leading to Mubarak’s
resignation on February 11, 2011.
“So getting the NFC ( hmmm…dubious
initials…) to issue such a fatwa seems very Mubarak-like, doesn’t it?”
she quipped. Harakahdaily.
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Back to School
So.... my finals are next Saturday, 12th of May 2012, and then I just got a call and my next course is starting Monday - lasting till end of the month where I will have yet another final paper to sit on the 31st of May 2012......
Welcome to the 30s era, Pat....... where this entire month is filled with exams exams and studying.... :-x
Counting down the hours till class starts once again on Monday....... *pout*
Welcome to the 30s era, Pat....... where this entire month is filled with exams exams and studying.... :-x
Counting down the hours till class starts once again on Monday....... *pout*
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
BBC Signals Outrage Over Malaysian ‘Censorship’ Of Bersih 3.0 Coverage! – EXCLUSIVE
BBC Signals Outrage Over Malaysian ‘Censorship’ Of Bersih 3.0 Coverage! – EXCLUSIVE
Posted Monday, April 30th, 2012
integrity of the BBC seems to have been threatened by the doctoring of
its reports by Malaysia's satellite broadcaster Astro!
A copy of the allegedly censored report has been circulated widely on You Tube since the weekend, showing how what was broadcast to viewers on Astro differed from the original version that was shown elsewhere in the world.
The established BBC reporter Emily Buchanan had produced a two minute report on the Bersih rally, detailing the days events. This was included in bulletins offered by BBC World, one of the Channels carried by Astro.
However, thirty seconds appears to have been cut out of the doctored version on Astro, after the removal of three separate sequences, one of which showed a policeman on a motorbike apparently firing at demonstrators.
The two other sequences that were removed included interviews with demonstrators, explaining why they felt they had to take to the streets to defend the right to fair elections.
Deplorable during the week of World Press Freedom Day!
After Sarawak Report notified the BBC about what had happened yesterday the Corporation responded with a strongly worded statement signalling apparent outrage.
It is an established rule that none of its reports should be tampered with or doctored by channels carrying its News Service and the statement makes plain that this is a potentially deeply serious breach of its contract with Astro:
BBC Statement
“The BBC is carrying out urgent enquiries after it was made aware that output from its BBC World News channel may have been censored in Malaysia.
The broadcast of anti-Government protests in Malaysia was apparently edited before it was re-broadcast on Malaysian satellite television, with sequences removed from the original BBC version.
The BBC is making urgent enquiries to the Malaysian operator, Astro, to establish the facts.
A BBC spokesman said: ”During the week of World Press Freedom Day, it would be deplorable if access to independent and impartial news was being prevented in any way. We would strongly condemn any blocking of the trusted news that we broadcast around the world including via distribution partners.”
supposed to tamper with content - but it seems that Al Jazeera's
coverage of Bersih 3.0 may also have been doctored by Astro!
The company is apparently taking some time to respond to the urgent questions that have been put and it is believed that there may be further delay over the public holiday.
However, the quality of the editing of the package would indicate that this was indeed a professional and carefully executed attempt to put the authorities in Malaysia in a better light. If so, the exposure of such manipulation is likely to seriously backfire on both the reputation of Astro and international standing of BN.
Al Jazeera’s reports ‘also tampered with’ by Astro!
camera was kicked to the ground" - it seems Astro did not like Harry
Fawcett's account of police brutality agains protestors and censored Al
Jazeera's report as well!
Astro dishes have even been offered as a free incentive to some longhouses in Sarawak in the run up to the federal elections, presumably in an attempt to both curry favour and to influence their thinking in favour of the government.
The doctoring of the BBC’s report would appear to show just how biased and subservient Astro is to UMNO’s political agenda.
And in the past hours more information has started to emerge that the channel carried out a similar tampering exercise with the Al Jazeera report on the march by the reporter Harry Fawcett!
Time for more democracy and press freedom?
seeking to record scenes like these have complained over mistreatment
by police and the destruction of cameras and equipment.
The action provides a neat example of just the sort of anti-democratic cheating and abuse of power that brought so many thousands onto the streets of KL in the first place on Saturday.
The Bersih movement has started to wake up the rest of the world to the fact that Malaysia’s expensively crafted image as a friendly and democratic country under BN is in fact a PR sham.
What could have better summed up the autocratic and illegal tendencies of BN than this sanctioning of Astro’s censorship against two of the world’s most respected broadcasters, which were trying to bring viewers an objective account of this event.
What better vindication for Bersih and its call for a cleaner Malaysia!
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