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Friday, 18 November 2016

When Corruption knows no boundaries

The eve of Bersih 5.......

It´s been years and yet Malaysia is still unable to "throw off" the dirty and corrupted government and it´s leader, the Prime Minister of Malaysia. And now, not only is he being such a paranoid "baboon", he is now arresting anyone and everyone who speaks ill of him or even tries to get Malaysia to be free of corruption.

Below, is an article, written by the 3 children of Maria Chin Abdullah, the chairperson of this Bersih "group". Apparently, on the eve of Malaysia´s 5th Bersih Rally, this lady (even after all the death threats to her and her family and NO ACTION was taken to PROTECT her and her family from those thugs of "that certain someone in Malaysia") is now arrested under the charges of Destabilising the Government. 

I really hope, that one day.... some outside help - be it whether from UN or NATO or whatsoever - would come help the Malaysians to be freed from dictatorship (Shame how they always insist that Malaysia is a democracy country and able to do free speech.... but on the other hand lock everyone who is doing it)!

Original Article : A letter after our mother's arrest ahead of the Bersih 5 rally

A letter after our mother's arrest ahead of the Bersih 5 rally

 20 comments     Published Today 11:02 pm     Updated Today 11:50 pm
The following is a letter written by the children of Bersih chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah, after her arrest.
It is the eve of the Bersih rally. We are sure that everybody is preparing for the rally, for what seems to be the next step to achieving a free and fair election for Malaysia.
It was around 6pm, we were at home preparing dinner when we received a call from a family friend asking if we were okay and if we heard about the news.
Confused about what was going on, we asked her what happened.
She explained to us that our mother has been arrested and was brought to a police station for further processing.
Within the next hour we were at the police station and as we arrived we had to wait for one of our mother’s lawyers to bring us in to see our mother.
While we were in the processing room, our mother explained to us that she was being charged for destabilising the government.
Both Mandeep Singh and our mother were reassuring us that everything is going to be fine in a calm and collective state.
We hope that the charges would be dropped and that she would be released soon.
After everything that has transpired, it is disappointing that people who fight for a fair and clean election have been branded as a threat to the country.
Is this the type of country that we Malaysians want to live in, where corruption runs amok, elections are rigged and innocents are placed behind bars?
When we were younger, we did not understand what our parents were fighting for or why our father was protesting strongly against the Internal Security Act.
He is gone now. We are old enough to understand the importance and sacrifice of the work that people like them do.
People like our parents, who are willing to speak up against corruption do not do it for their own sake, but for the sake of the future generations.
As we are writing this, we as Malaysians, are hours away from an opportunity to voice out to make a change in Malaysia.
It is why it is so important for us, as Malaysians, to show that we will not tolerate the injustice that government officials have got away with.
We implore to our fellow Malaysians that are attending the rally, or are watching it at home, to listen to the speakers and to understand what Bersih is trying to achieve.
We hope that the rally will be peaceful and to see you there.
Azumin, Aziman, Azemi.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

It´s all about respecting one another

It´s been a while since I last posted in here. Life has been kinda hectic. However, upon stumbling upon this article, I felt it a need to save it in here. 

There´s been so many issues going on all around lately. From the worsening politics in Malaysia to the ISIS and etc. This article - as you can read later - is about the Muslim students thinking and wanting issues bent completely to fully accommodate them alone. Upon the rejection, everyone cries discrimination and racism.

I wonder if they ever stop to ponder....... you are a "visitor" in a foreign land. It´s kinda like... someone invites you to their home, but you turn around and try to "enforce" your own rules and upbringing into their home, and then when the host denies you, you cry foul! So who is the one who is lacking of "brains" and "thinking mentality" at the moment? To think that you students have managed to go all the way to University level of education, I would expect that maybe to an extent you have a sense of logic within you.

Happy reading.

Original Article Link : Muslim Students Demand Special Treatment, University Offers 8 Epic Word

Muslim Students Demand Special Treatment, University Offers 8 Epic Words

Muslim Students Demand Special Treatment, University Offers 8 Epic Words
Along with two other colleges, the Technical University of Berlin has refuted Muslim students’ unreasonable demands.
After a group of Muslim college students began taking over a university’s “multi-faith” room, establishing gender segregation and allowing in only Muslims, the school decided to show that they wouldn’t be bullied by political correctness, issuing the perfect 8-word response in an official letter to the Islamic supremacists.
After abuse by Muslim students, campus prayer rooms which were meant for all faiths at the Technical University of Berlin have been shut down, along with prayer rooms at two other universities, the Technical University of Dortmund and the university of Essen Duisburg, prompting the Islamic community to cry “racism.” However, instead of cowering to the minority’s demands, the schools are standing their ground — and with good reason.
When confronted with accusations of discrimination and Islamophobia, TU Berlin President Christian Thompsen simply responded that “higher education and religion should be kept separate,” according to the Norwegian Defence League.
“It boiled down to the fundamental question — do we want religious facilities at our universities? I think higher education and religion should be kept separate,” Thompsen said. “Previously Muslims didn’t have much opportunity to practise their religion in Berlin. But now there are enough prayer rooms the students can use – perhaps not within walking distance, but a few stops away by bus. A prayer room at the university is no longer necessary.”
The decision came after Muslim men began driving out women and non-Muslims from one of the inter-faith prayer room, proving their tendency to abuse the tolerance so graciously afforded them in Western countries.
“The room was created in a time where the Muslim students had no place nearby to go for prayers,” Thomsen said to Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ). “The next places for Muslim students to pray may be not in walking distance, but with a bus it’s just two or three stations away.”
The universities also cited fairness, reminding that it would be bias to offer Muslims special treatment. Since it’s impossible to accommodate all beliefs, everyone will equally have no designated area specifically for religious worship.
“With more than 130 nations at our university, we can’t offer a room for every religion or culture,” the university added. “The room was installed in a time in which there were no places for Muslims to go nearby. This has changed in the past two decades.”
Of course, many of the Muslim students are dissatisfied with equality and demand tolerance while subsequently being intolerant of other faiths. Muslims had driven out other faiths and established Sharia gender apartheid, as is legislated in Islamic countries. However, they proceeded to complain that they were being discriminated against when the rooms, which couldn’t be used by anyone but them, were shut down.
The West needs to adopt the “abuse it, lose it” policy towards foreign cultures and faiths. If you cannot reciprocate the tolerance given to you, you are not worthy of tolerating. If you cannot respect those who’ve offered you respect, your demands will be refuted.
Muslims have proven in every country where they become a large minority that they are incapable of both practicing their religion and respecting other faiths, cultures, and laws. It is time for us to realize this incompatibility, not as a deficiency in our own democracy, but as their own unwillingness to coexist with us.
H/T [The Local]
Photo Credit [Daily CallerTU Berlin]