ღ♥ Wedding Anniversary ღ♥

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

ღ♥ My precious baby girl ღ♥

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, 22 October 2012

Infection..... =(

So, I have now a crying baby sick at home for a week. Being down with infection.

The saddest part? putting on the medication for her and watching tears stream down her pretty little face :(

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Slight Updates of us

Its been really a while since I actually entered an entry in my sort of abandoned blog. Time really flies when you are actually not watching it. It seems that the wind has blown thru almost the year and we have arrived in the month of October, or actually..... almost gonna end of it. So many things have happened daily....... November marks a month where we will have our beloved Scottish friends with us for a week. Yet another nice holiday to look forward to =) More photos to hang up on our walls of memories. ^^

There would be alot of things to update, but then again, time is insufficient for it.

To have a short summary...... Summer came and went. Autumn started with crazy temperatures, sometimes freezing other times burning hot. But at the moment, it´s full fledge Autumn, although the weather and temperatures are getting hotter once again. My little girl now is a part of a musical in school, longer hours in school daily due to the after school practices. Other than that, she´s enjoying her swimming lessons. Her fear of water is gradually diminishing (thank goodness for it!) and she even jumped off a 1m jumping board in the swimming pool! *proud mummy* Baby´s also gotten selected to enter one of the "Arts" school around here next year! We just received the letter, although I have yet to break the news out to my little girl.

I have yet to start my language classes once again. Don´t know when should I start.... am not really keen on winter classes (the weather here can get freezing butt cold in winter!). But that´s a small worry ^^

This year, we would be celebrating Xmas in our own home. No in-laws nothing. Less excitement, and a small celebration, between us 3 together with some friends maybe. Am on the lookout for a nice plastic christmas tree, no point getting a real one - pay bloody good money for it and it only lasts for days. But.... before Xmas, Halloween is fast approaching in 8 days time! Still haven´t decided if we will be taking part in Halloween this year as it falls on baby´s swim day. Normally her swim days are extremely long and tiring - being stuck in school since 630+am. But..... who knows?

There will be a summer camp next year, before all of them leaves for elementary school. I have registered her name there, however..... don´t know if she will go in the end. She´s not really into leaving mummy for 5 days. All her old fears kicked in when I told her I won´t be with her in the camp and she won´t be seeing me for that 5 days. *sighs*......... Praying for God´s guidance and strength for this........ 

Haven´t been reading and keeping up on news back home in Malaysia. Too ironic and saddening to read stupid stuff the people and government are doing. xD That´s a huge reason why I never did take part in politics and news when I was residing there.

Oh speaking of which......

To you readers out there that pops over to read my blog and then starts commenting on my chat box. Whether you read this or not, I don´t mind ur messages there, but please do not advertise anything out from Malaysia. Been years since I am there and I dont want to know anything about it.

" Jika kamu hanyalah menjenguk blog saya, tiada masalah. Tapi, Saya tidak mengalukan sebarang iklan mengenai produk di Malaysia lagi. Terima kasih"

And yes, my Malay is still there.